The skin is one of the most important external organ of the body that protects the internal organs. Many health problems or disease that can determine by skin or changes of skin that should be taking more attention.
Here's the skin changes may indicate serious problems:
Wrinkles around the eyes
Although wrinkles show that you laugh often, abrupt appearance of fine wrinkles around the eyes can indicate reduced vision due to the impossibility of clearly viewing.
Darker skin in the neck and armpits
If the skin on the neck and armpits in certain parts become darker, it can be an indicator of diabetes or thyroid problems.
Disruption in skin pigmentation is often manifested in the folds of the skin and is common in people with an increased risk of diabetes type 2.
Very pale skin
If your skin becomes noticeably pale, it may be an indication of chronic anemia, one of the biggest causes of pallor. Anemia, a condition in which the body does not produce enough red blood cells can be caused by lack of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, but can also be genetically caused.
Spots may indicate the cellular skin damage from ultraviolet rays.
Some people are genetically more prone to freckles, but they can also be the result of excessive sun exposure or additional exposure to UV rays.
Dry skin
Dry skin may indicate dehydration, not entering enough water in the body or consuming too much alcohol and caffeine.
It also points to the contradictory situation or increased acne because the skin is trying to produce more fat to complement the lack of water.
Acne around the mouth and chin
The appearance of acne on this part of the face may be indicative of polycystic ovaries, disruption of the endocrine system, which can cause infertility.
If they constantly appear around the mouth and chin, and have irregular menstrual periods, you should see a doctor.
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